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AMIGO  |  SKU: 20416343169

Der kleine Rabe Socke: Das große Rennen (German Import)

$32.95 CAD
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Designer Michael Schacht
Publisher AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH
Players 2-5
Playtime 20 mins
Suggested Age 5 and up

Note: This game is in German, but the game itself is language independent.  Using Google Document Translate together with the publisher's rules will reveal the game rules.

Who can get his vehicle over the finish line first in Der kleine Rabe Socke: Das große Rennen? Along the way, you need to pass carefully because skillful lane changes are required in order to avoid unforeseen obstacles.

In more detail, each player drives one of the five racecars along the curvy racetrack through the forest. On your turn, roll both dice, then reroll one of the dice if you want to. The result on the number die moves your car forward along the racetrack; the result on the action die allows the nimble racecar drivers either to move an obstacle on the track, which you otherwise would have to avoid, or to make a lane change — to shift to the inside lane of a curve, for example. The good news: A lane change can be made before, during, or after the number die's movement. The game consists of two laps, and whoever first completes the second lap wins the big race.