Dear customers,

We have noticed there has been a long delay in some of our shipments using Canada Post. There is a large backlog they are working through. We have seen cases as long as 3 weeks where the tracking has not moved. If you see your tracking hasn't moved, we ask for your patience to let Canada Post workout the shipments. Sorry for the delay with your shipment.

In the meantime, while waiting for Canada Post to resolve the current situation, we are using UPS on some of our shipments to keep things going.

In case you have a strong objection for UPS please mention in the order instructions.

    As a reminder

    • Our Store Front is Closed until further noticed
    • Online operation will Remain Available through this time
    • There are NO pickups nor curb-side option at this time
    • If a customer has any Pickup orders who likes to ship, you can find answers in our FAQ on Q12 to get your order shipped ->

    Thank you for your understanding, cooperation and support as we navigate this new illness. God Bless you, and your love ones!

    BoardGameBliss Team