A Feast for Odin

Feuerland Spiele SKU: FL100

$104.95 CAD
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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews


Andy Kim
Why did I wait so long to play this?

It's been out for a while but for a long time, I didn't play A Feast for Odin, mainly because of the high complexity of the game but I finally gave it a try. It's now one of my top 10 games of all time. It's also not the most complex game I've ever played and everything is laid out so well that I don't need to even refer to the rulebook anymore. This is a game I'll keep for a long time!

Kenneth Sinn
Favourite Uwe Game

We've played most of Uwe's mid-heavy games over the past decade - Agricola, Caverna, Gates of Loyang, Fields of Arle, Le Havre, Ore et Labora -- this is the only one that has stayed in our collection. The level of constraint/feeding is perfectly tuned (Agricola), while still providing enough of a sandbox without making all options/paths feel too similar (Fields of Arle).

Looking forward to the next major expansion, The Danes!

Miguel Sal
The final evolution of Uwe Rosenberg's Agricola

I still cannot comprehend how someone comes up with this stuff. This game is simply amazing!

James Carruthers
It's good

I don't know why this one just didn't quite land with me. It's just a lot to take in on the first play. Maybe I need to play it more. I appreciate the scope, but something about it just didn't land with me. Maybe it's the theme. Maybe it's the price tag.

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