Dice Town (New Edition)

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Matagot SKU: MT-DTOWN-021

$44.95 CAD $64.95 CAD
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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Matt S
Fun Dice Game

My wife and I have recently played this game and had a lot of fun with this game. In the game you role dice in a western theme cup and drop them on the table. Each die has a specific face to match the western/poker theme of this particular game. Each die face also provides you with specific abilities on a gameboard, presuming you have roled more of a particular die face than your opponents have. There is also a mini poker showdown so to speak of you roll a stronger valued hand. It's a bit of take that with set collect, dice rolling and poker. The main objective is to either collect most of the gold nuggets, land cards, or point value cards in the game.

There is not much to this game but it is a lot of fun with a little bit of luck/chance, if that is what you are looking for.

My only qualm is that I would really like the Wild West Expansion as I think it adds a lot more to the game and unfortunately the manufacture is no longer printing versions of that expansion in English. This not BoardGameBliss' fault, of course, but it would be great to get my hands on a copy of that expansion.

Simon-Pierre Marion

Dice Town (New Edition)

Janice Ammons
Wild West fun - thanks, Bruno Cathala!

Can be uproarious fun to play this fast and loose so long as no one minds when a little take-that occurs. Good player interaction with both groans and laughter over this poker/Yahtzee like game. Fun to be the Sheriff and break ties. Enjoy the wild west theme.

Eric Speed
Poker time

Favorite game with 4 players.

Artem Kostonyan
Family choice

Love the western theme. Easy action selection game with lots of player interaction. Always a fun time.

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