Exit: The Game – Advent Calendar: The Hunt for the Golden Book


$45.95 CAD
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Randy R.
Great way to bring the family together every day!

Me, my wife, and our two kids, ages 9 and 7, have been thoroughly enjoying this. This brings us together to the table every day for 10 to 30 minutes, reading a story and solving the puzzles. We are only on Day 19, but so far here are my thoughts...
The story is weak, but it's still thematic and sets up a different backdrop and gimmick each day. We very much know we are still chasing the golden book, and we get the story is just a means to justify the daily room hoping and it does it's job just fine.
The daily puzzles have been a ton of fun. My wife and I have done many Exit and Unlock games, we like the genre a lot. While most of the puzzles aren't my blowing or ground breaking compared to what we've done before, I can say we've enjoyed each of them and the kids have too. My kids wouldn't be able to solve any of them on their own, but they still pick up on a lot of things that both us adults have missed. When the littles start connecting the dots in their heads you can see the smile grow! Honestly, when they pick up on something us parents didn't it's like the best proud dad moment ever.
I don't have to nag the kids to come play either. This hands down is the best Advent Calendar we've ever bought, simply a great way to bring the family together and have some fun!

I would highly recommend this to couples and families. We definitely will be buying the other Exit Advent Calendar for next year.

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